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A new BMA for Brussels

The BMA’s mission is to stimulate the spatial quality of urban projects in Brussels from an independent position:

  • Support public and private clients as early as possible in the development of their projects, notably through determinating key issues, working on programming, and organizing competitions
  • Research by design on concrete projects
  • Development of an ambitious strategic vision with the concerned stakeholders to stimulate architectural quality and dissemination by organizing exchange and awareness-raising events on specific themes related to architectural quality
  • Official design review for planning applications for projects with more than 5,000 m² of floor space. Projects for public and open space will also be included in the future.

In view of a transparent and open process, the Brussels government has decided to set up a selection committee through an open call, which will be launched soon. The selection committee will assist the authorities, and the Region, throughout the entire procedure, from the selection of candidates to the final award and the appointment of the next BMA.

Applications for the next term as the BMA must be submitted by September 6, 2024, 5PM.