With new ways of living today, we contribute to the city of tomorrow.
Ouvrez la porte du palais Stoclet et découvrez ses splendeurs cachées, grâce à la reconstitution numérique réalisée par la Faculté d'Architecture de l’ULB et Urban.
As part of the Heritage Days 2024, Urban organises an exhibition showing for the first time the original documents of the Alpha Plan project as well as some of the preliminary survey maps.
Visit the website of Heritage Days to find out more about the full programme for this weekend dedicated to New Heritage!
As part of the implementation of the Brussels government's action plan "Towards the decolonisation of public space", Urban commissioned Traumnovelle to design an installation in front of the Monument to the Belgian pioneers in Congo in Cinquantenaire Park. Curator Laurent Mbaah has been commissioned to activate the installation. They invite you to a discussion on coloniality in public space.
Le terme "matérialité" est de plus en plus souvent utilisé en architecture, comme pour apaiser les craintes d'une dérive vers l'abstraction que le numérique et l’AI font naître. Entre artisanat et AI, vers où irons-nous ?
Urban is pleased to invite you to a meeting dedicated to the Stoclet House.
past events
As part of the "New Ways of Living exhibition, coordinated by Urban and curated by CityTools and Dogma, CityTools is organising a public debate on alternative, affordable, accessible and unconventional housing.
As part of the implementation of the government action plan “Towards the decolonisation of public space in the Brussels-Capital Region”, Urban has asked Traumnovelle to design an installation in front of the Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in Congo. This installation will remain in place for a year and will offer several artists the opportunity to express themselves on a regular basis.
Avec la participation de l’architecte Luc Schuiten.
Want to know more about urban archaeology? Join us for the Urban Archaeology Days, organized by Urban from June 14th to 16th 2024.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Sustainable Neighborhood Contracts (SNCs), Urban is hosting an exhibition that evaluates the successes of an inclusive and operational urban renewal policy in the Brussels Region.
Inauguration de l’œuvre d’art "ECHOS" réalisée par AMMO à Schaerbeek.
Inauguration of the artwork “Le Tombeau de sainte Acidule” by Elzo Durt in the Rouge-Cloître.
Urban a le plaisir de vous convier à deux rencontres dédiées au Palais Stoclet.
As a partner of the Renolution Alliance, Urban invites you to take part in this information session.
Celebrate Brussels and its public institutions at the Iris Festival on May 4th and 5th.
Inauguration de l’œuvre d’art « Vision of Art Nouveau » par Régis Bour.
Inauguration de l’œuvre d’art "Victor's Traces" par le collectif K-Dix80.
Inauguration de l’œuvre d’art "Urban Folly II – Emilie Louise Flöge" by Stephan Goldrajch.
As part of the "Art nouveau, art for all ?" exhibition, the Halles Saint-Géry invites you to a round-table discussion (fr) on April 16th at 6pm.
Urban and the La Cambre Horta Architecture Faculty are honoured to welcome Thierry Henrard & Thomas Greck, Benjamin Zurstrassen and Francis Metzger, who will be presenting the book “Horta avocat de Poelaert. La leçon du Palais de Justice”, published by Urban and CIVA.
Take part in the workshops and make this piece of work in the Parc de la Rosée a reality.
Don't miss the launch event for the new issue of the "Brussels, City of Art and History" series, about the Centre for Fine Arts.
Discover the creation process behind this unique work of art.
The Brussels Book Fair will take place from April 4th to 7th at Tour & Taxis. On that occasion, Urban will welcome you at the Brussels-Capital Region stand, located at the entrance to the Fair (124), where you can (re)discover all our publications.
Come and visit Urban's stand at the 9th Fair of restorers and representatives of Brussels heritage associations. It's an opportunity to discover many of our publications!
The Grand Opening à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de lutte contre le racisme
25th EAC Annual Meeting and Heritage Management Symposium
Urban vous invite à cette nouvelle séance d’Urban Lunch qui se tiendra le 18 mars prochain à 11h45.
Urban invites you to discover the creation process behind this work of art, and to take part in the workshops that will make it a reality.
Urban and Homegrade invite you to an information webinar on the latest measures for securing lifts dating from before 1958 and of proven historic value.
Urban and the CIVA are pleased to invite you to the presentation of their book on the Brussels Palais de Justice.
VUB Architectural Engineering and Urban cordially invite you to the international Symposium on young heritage (1975-2000), which will take place on February 6th and 7th at the Royal Library of Belgium.
Don't miss this exhibition, which invites all audiences to reappropriate the objects and subjects of the Brussels Art Nouveau house museums.
Travel through time and visit the Stoclet House as it was in 1911 thanks to its virtual double
Don't miss the last meeting of the Réseau Art Nouveau Network (RANN) lecture series on 18 December!
Urban, A+ and Bozar invite you to the Brussels Architecture Prize award ceremony at the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels on December 12th.
Discover the winning photographs at the Halles Saint-Géry
Take part in the archiweek from November 10th to 19th.
Curious about the history, architectural challenges and restoration of the interior of Casa Vicens, Antoni Gaudí's Art Nouveau gem in Barcelona?
Conceived in the context of the Art Nouveau year, « Daughters » proposes to create a dialogue between past and present by connecting female Art Nouveau artists and contemporary female artists practising the same mediums (textile, silk painting, sculpture, engraving, etc.)
Save the date and join us on 19th October at 6.30pm at the Halles Saint-Géry for a lecture (in English) on conservation and restoration methods for Art Nouveau in Slovenia.
On 26th September at 6.30pm, come along to the Halles Saint-Géry for a lecture (in French) on the expression of this style in the Villa Fallet, an architectural gem in the town of La Chaux-de-Fonds.
For this 35th edition, we invite you to broaden your vision of Art Nouveau through a rich and varied programme of guided tours and cultural events.
'Brussels, an inspiring city for architecture', with the participation of architect Peter St John (London).
Retracing the Hybrid Influences in Privat Livemont’s Works