

Malibran community centre and housing - Séverin Malaud ©

« Material Assembly » is an invitation to explore Brussels’ architecture through its makers and its craftspeople. During guided visits of projects and ateliers we zoom in on the different hands coming together in shaping the city, highlighting its rich assemblage of materiality.

Do you represent an administration, municipality, association or are you an artist, a professional in the sector, a student or simply a citizen, and would you like to organise an activity linked to contemporary architecture during the archiweek? Urban offers you the opportunity to add your activity to the 2024 programme.

Church of Notre-Dame du Blankedelle

Urban has long paid particular attention to contemporary heritage. The online publication of the thematic inventory of Brussels' architectural heritage built between 1939 and 1999 therefore constitutes a major step forward for Urban's teams.

Stoclet palace

Discover more about the unique digital reconstruction of the interiors of the Stoclet House as it was around 1911.

Ommegang reserves.

The Brussels Renaissance Festival is joining forces with Urban's Archaeology Days to give you the opportunity to experience a family event with friends or colleagues. A unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of heritage, European history during the Renaissance and archaeological research in the Brussels Region!

The network of sites that have obtained the European Heritage Label, which is awarded since 2013 by the European Union, consists of 67 sites all over the Union. This year, it’s Brussels’ and Urban’s turn to organise the pre-selection jury in Belgium.

The “Daughters” exhibition, which was installed at the Halles Saint-Géry and in the Hotel des Monnaies Metro Station last October, where the general public can still admire it today, is now welcomed at the LAB-AN x Hotel van Eetvelde, in an adapted form.

Le LAB·AN, espace de promotion bruxellois de l’Art nouveau, a récemment soufflé sa première bougie. A cette occasion, découvrez la programmation des prochains mois pour un regard contemporain sur cet héritage culturel belge, bruxellois et international.

La restauration du petit patrimoine fait partie de l’ADN des chantiers phares soutenus par Urban. Deux chantiers remarquables de restauration du petit patrimoine ont pu être réalisés grâce au soutien financier d’Urban.

You can still take part in many activities over the coming months, including several exhibitions that are so successful that their run has been extended!