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Conference: Brussels building renovation obligations

Brussels building renovation obligations - Deadlines and opportunities for construction companies

The government has set deadlines for achieving the Renolution objectives.

The Brussels Code on Air, Climate and Energy Management (CoBrACE) was recently amended. There will be a ban on 'energetic strainer' from 2033, 'zero emission' housing from 2027, a move away from fossil energy, etc.

What are these new features? What are the different timeframes to achieve the 2050 objective? How will this impact my construction company? What facilities and tools are available to support my company?

As a partner of the Renolution Alliance, Urban invites you to take part in this information session.

Practical information

  • Date: 14.05.2024 (18:00 - 21:30)
  • Venue: Embuild
  • Avenue des arts 20, 1000 Brussels


  • Presentation of the new features and modifications of the CoBrACE, by Brussels Environment
  • Implications for companies, by Embuild brussels
  • Presentation of facilities and tools for construction companies, by Embuild brussels
  • Networking
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