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Heritage Days 2024: call for participation

Every year, for a weekend, the Heritage Days let you rediscover the city and appreciate it through another lens, and they let you discover sites that are often difficult to access. 

This year, the’ Heritage Days will take place on September 14th and 15th, and the main theme will be “New Heritage”.

→ These days will be an invitation to look at a near past that is still very present in our daily lives: the city that was built and transformed from the 1970s until the beginning of the 21st century. Half a century of upheaval following successive crises, the effects of which we are still suffering, but also half a century of a city showing its resilience and a specific materiality we have inherited today. 

Would you like to open a venue to the public or offer an activity related to this theme (tours, guided walks, exhibitions, etc.) that could be included in the programme?

Please let us know by filling in the following form by Monday March 18th 2024 at the latest.

For more information, please contact Urban's Knowledge and Communications Directorate at

La Mémé - archiweek 2022
"La Mémé" site, archiweek 2022 – Philippe Braquenier ©