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Planning permission for the Max-sur-Zenne project approved by Urban

Urban renewal is one of Urban's priorities. A mission as essential as it is ambitious, which Urban is now turning into reality by approving a major urban development permit to relaunch an entire urban and neighbourhood dynamic.

With the new planning permission for Max-sur-Zenne, as part of the "Citroën - Vergote" Urban Renewal Contract (URC), the entire northern district of Brussels will be revitalised, with a 650-metre stretch of the river Senne brought back to life.

In terms of its urban strategy, Urban's priority is to implement a proactive policy of high-quality urban planning, to make public spaces more peaceful and, more broadly, to renovate the existing urban fabric. 

Projet Max Sur Zenne
© / © OLM Paysagiste & urbanistes

This project is exemplary in that it will transform the current urban area into a space where nature and diversity will once again play an essential role, offering residents a pleasant, green environment.

  • Rediscovering the Senne

Currently buried beneath the Parc Maximilien, the Senne will soon be rediscovered thanks to this project. A picturesque walkway will run along the river for 650 metres, from the Ferme Maximilien to the Bassin Vergote. This new route will be enhanced by wooded and flower-filled landscapes, with pontoons allowing visitors to get closer to the water.

  • Reintroducing nature to the city

The main aim of Max-sur-Zenne is to create a natural environment in the heart of the Northern Quarter, allowing the people of Brussels to enjoy an area where nature is omnipresent. The central element of this transformation is the reopening of 650 metres of the river Senne, transforming an underground tunnel into a veritable urban haven.

  • Modern infrastructure and community involvement

The project includes the renovation of Maximilien Park, the development of soft mobility and the relocation of the Maximilien farm near the Foyer Laekenois. The buildings of the old farm will be converted into leisure areas for local residents, thereby enriching the local infrastructure.

  • A biodiversity haven

Some of the riverbanks of the Senne will be densely planted, providing a refuge for birds and other local species. Opposite the Yser metro station, the farm's wet garden will be preserved and crossed by a footbridge, encouraging the development of biodiversity right in the centre of Brussels.

  • Creating a new urban dynamic

The opening up of the Senne will provide a direct link between the Vergote basin and Place Sainctelette, creating a new dynamic towards the heart of Brussels. Max-sur-Zenne will reconnect residents with nature and revitalise the northern district, giving the city back its historic river.

Work to redevelop the Parc Maximilien will begin in the first quarter of 2025.

This project is being managed by Brussels Environment, Brussels Mobility and the City of Brussels, with the essential support of the Region.

Projet Max Sur Zenne
© / © OLM Paysagiste & urbanistes
Projet Max Sur Zenne
Simulation image of the future park, seen from the Small Ring © OLM, Evolta, Hbaat, Ouest and Dedale