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Sustainable Neighbourhood Contracts in the Brussels Region

For 30 years now, Sustainable Neighborhood Contracts (SNC’s), under the coordination of Urban’s teams, have been renovating Brussels most vulnerable neighbourhoods through operational and inclusive urban initiatives.

These programmes, which are carried out in partnership with the municipalities and in close interaction with local residents, are designed to improve their living environment through specific projects such as the planning of public spaces and parks as well as the production of housing and public facilities. They also include a wide range of actions to fight precarious and unhealthy housing that are put into practice by numerous associations.

Urban invites you to get acquainted with this urban revitalisation policy by means of two videos.

In the first one, you will learn more about the SNC tool, its aims and how it works, while the second shares testimonials from local stakeholders.

The Sustainable Neighborhood Contracts

The Sustainable Neighborhood Contracts - Testimonials  

Affiche de l'exposition "Des formes urbaines pour rénover Bruxelles"

Exhibition: “Urban forms of Brussels’ renovation”

Find out more about this topic by visiting the exhibition, which is open to visitors free of charge until 28 August 2024 in the Halles Saint-Géry. It unfolds the story of this specific form of action, the SDCs, while highlighting the different outcomes that these actions produce on various levels.

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Parc L28/Pannenhuis
CQD Bockstael in Brussel - Park L28/Pannenhuis - Séverin Malaud ©