In order to highlight some themes and bring together the different actors in the field, Urban and A+ Architecture in Belgium are organizing an extensive trimming programme this autumn - in collaboration with their partners.
Don't miss out an exhibition, debates, visits to the nominated projects (brought to you by our "archiweek" event), as well as the award ceremony. The Brussels Architecture Prize (BAP) is putting Brussels and its architects in the spotlight!
On the 10th of November, the BAP exhibition will open its doors at the Ravenstein Gallery in Brussels. The exhibition brings together the 24 nominated projects that caught the attention of the jury members.
Practical informationDEBATES
Four conferences, organized during November and December in collaboration with the CIVA, invites speakers to address a specific theme through their architectural practice. Topics such as ‘When architecture meets landscape’, ‘As found’, ‘(Re)densification’ and ‘Social inclusion’ will be discussed with the participating offices and debates will be moderated by a renowned person.
Practical informationARCHIWEEK
During the weekend of November 18th and 19th, the 5th edition of the archiweek, organized by Urban, will open the doors of the nominated projects of the BAP. This allows the public to trace the steps of the jury members, visit the gems throughout the Brussels-Capital Region and decide which project earns their vote for the People’s Choice Award!
The winners of the 4 categories of the BAP (public space, extra muros, small intervention and major intervention) will be announced on 12th December at the festive award ceremony at the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, during which the jury will also present the Promising Young Architect Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. This evening will also be the occasion to reveal the winner of the People’s Choice Award, selected by the public votes.
Practical information