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Avant-Senne basin: study of the potential disconnecting of the rainwater

Discover the detailed study as well as the action plan on the potential disconnecting of the rainwater in the Avant-Senne basin, the result of an exciting collaboration between the municipalities of Saint-Gilles and Forest, Urban, Brussels Environment and the consulting office Elleny/Infra Services.

This study aims to identify the possibilities for integrated rainwater management (see definition in Urban's Public Spaces Manual), so as to avoid overloading sewers and risks of flooding. 

Brussels Environment therefore called on the consulting office Elleny/Infra Services to carry out an in-depth study in two flood-prone areas:

  • the Molenbeek basin (Brussels City and Jette)
  • the Avant-Senne basin (Saint-Gilles and Forest)

The study of this last area, the Avant-Senne basin, was funded by three urban renewal programmes, coordinated by Urban’s teams:

→ This detailed study, as well as the action plan resulting from it, will form the basis for future initiatives in the municipalities of Saint-Gilles and Forest.

Tracé de l'eau du CQD Abbaye à Forest
"Tracé de l'eau" du CQD "Abbaye" à Forest | Séverin Malaud ©

The results

The results of these two studies (phase 1), as well as the related action plans (phase 2), are available online:

→ More information on managing and protecting the river network
Manuel Espaces Publics

The Public Spaces Manual

Discover this evolving document, which incorporates the various guides, standards, plans and tools that define the regional objectives with regard to the development of public spaces, and gives project developers the keys to designing their projects.

→ More information about the Public Spaces Manual
Tracé de l'eau du CQD Abbaye à Forest
‘Water route’ of the SNC ‘Abbey’ in Forest | Séverin Malaud ©