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International symposium on young heritage (1975-2000)

VUB Architectural Engineering and Urban cordially invite you to the international Symposium on young heritage (1975-2000), which will take place on February 6th and 7th at the Royal Library of Belgium.

The built heritage sector is currently facing significant challenges, primarily driven by demographic shifts and the imposition of more stringent energy and comfort standards. Notably, a growing number of relatively recent buildings are undergoing substantial renovations without a prior assessment of their heritage potential. These premature interventions can be attributed to a lack of awareness and recognition of the architectural and historical significance of these young buildings. A crucial step towards a more comprehensive value assessment and the development of suitable strategies for the recognition, maintenance, restoration, and renovation lies in acquiring knowledge about, among others, the building materials employed. 

The core objective of this symposium is to provide valuable insights into the current state of knowledge regarding the built heritage from 1975-2000 and the contemporary challenges associated with its preservation. Our aim is to gather knowledge from across Western Europe and to bridge the gap between policy, research, and practice. By seeking points of intersection among these domains, we aspire to foster a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in preserving these younger architectural treasures.

Registrations for this event are closed as the registration quota has been reached.

PROGRAMME - Updated on 01-02-24

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