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International Art Nouveau Symposium: call for papers

"Bringing Art Nouveau heritage back to life: theory and practice in restoration"

The Réseau Art Nouveau Network (RANN), a European network for the study, protection and promotion of Art Nouveau heritage, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

Urban, commissioned by the Brussels Capital Region, is a founding member of RANN and is helping to organise an international conference to celebrate this milestone.

This conference, scheduled for November 27th and 28th 2024 in Brussels, will focus on the restoration of Art Nouveau architectural heritage, as part of the European project "Art Nouveau as a EUtopia".

This provides the opportunity to reflect on UNESCO’s Turin Declaration, which established the guidelines for the practice and theory of restoring this heritage, 30 years after its publication.

Are you an architectural historian, art historian, architect, engineer or craftsman, and does your day-to-day work involve Art Nouveau restoration projects?

→ Submit your contribution to the programme, which can be found here, by sending it, in French or in English, to and before 26 July 2024.

Atelier - Restauration Art nouveau
Ph. De Gobert ©