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When 3D unveils our heritage

Urban stays in tune with the times!
The paperless and digitalisation of Brussels architecture is becoming one of its priorities.

After contributing to the reconstruction of Victor Horta's Maison du Peuple, in collaboration with the Alice laboratory (ULB), Urban has launched the digitalisation of the Stoclet palace in its 1911 state, lost forever, with its furniture and works of art.

Immerse yourself in this reconstruction thanks to the exhibition "Stoclet 1911 Restitution", which is on show at LAB·AN x Hotel van Eetvelde until the end of December, after previously being presented at the Art & History Museum.

More information

Curious to find out more about this unique digital reconstruction?

→ Rediscover the TV broadcast "Autrement" on BX1 with Guy Conde-Reis, coordinator of Urban's Cultural Strategy.

Stoclet palace
Stoclet palace. Collection Belfius Banque-Académie royale de Belgique © ARB –