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A manual dedicated to public spaces in the Brussels-Capital Region

Urban is pleased to share with you the Public Spaces Manual, developed in cooperation with the joint venture between ORG Urbanism & Architecture and the Bureau Bas Smets, as well as all the players involved!

Now, you can discover this evolving document, which incorporates the various guides, standards, plans and tools that define the regional objectives with regard to the development of public spaces.

Manuel Espaces Publics

This practical tool aims to provide practical assistance for designing generic public spaces, and gives project developers the keys to designing their developments with a high level of ambition with regard to all the challenges associated with public spaces in Brussels.

As a key player in urban development, Urban is fully committed to supporting projects that improve the Brussels-Capital Region’s quality of life. This manual, which is the result of a collective effort, embodies this commitment to sustainable development in response to contemporary challenges.

Discover the Manual
CQD Bosnie
SNC Bosnie in Saint-Gilles - avenue du Roi. Séverin Malaud ©