

Il ne reste plus que quelques mois pour demander un certificat de valeur historique pour votre ascenseur

Did you know that Brussels has nearly a thousand Art Nouveau buildings? This summer, wander through our capital and discover Art Nouveau in all its diversity!

Thanks to the restoration/renovation work and the opening of the LAB·AN as part of the Art Nouveau 2023 year, come and discover the materials used by Victor Horta, the building's architect.

City planning and architecture

Renovation of the Cinéma Variétés

Permission granted for the renovation of the Cinéma Variétés, a historic cinema located in the heart of Brussels, rue de Malines.

Inventories of Historic Lifts. Advice of the Royal Commission for Monuments and Sites and the Sectoral Plan 1979

City planning and architecture


Urban - Mont des Arts

Walk around brussels. discover its diversity

Vous êtes intéressé par l'impact des nouvelles technologies sur l'administration publique ? Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la manière dont la digitalisation facilite les démarches administratives ?

Urban soutient la « Brussels Pride - The Belgian & European Pride 2023 »

On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023, the 8th Art Nouveau and Art Deco Collectors' and Valuation Fair will be held in the superb surroundings of an Art Nouveau school designed by Henri Jacobs and built between 1907 and 1922 - an event organized together with the Brussels Art Nouveau & Art Deco (BANAD) Festival.

City planning and architecture

Urban Training

Multidisciplinary university certificate in architecture, urban development and heritage.

Brussels Architecture Prize

Brussels Architecture Prize 2023

Poster of the event

Is your office based in the Brussels-Capital Region and/or have you recently completed a project there? Apply for the second edition of the Brussels Architecture Prize before 20 April 2023!

Mont des Arts, Brussels

iI you want to be part of the architectural and heritage challenges of Brussels and develop your skills in a dynamic and technical public service, join us!